
Showing posts from February, 2021

Day 22 - last day of February

I walked absolutely smashing 430 kilometres in February! Now I just need to add running to it. Short runs daily. :) So - Goals. Tasks. Actions. For March. First of all GOALS: Learn basic French with Speakly language app (30 min each day) Business Plan. Pictures and Memory sketchbook. Run 50km in a month. Work stuff (don't leave it until April). Restaurant Service and Management Diploma course. Jewellery sort and clean. Let's look back at this list at the end of next month.  Fingers crossed.

Day 21

Couldn’t go to sleep without having written something. Well, here we go. Had a wonderful walk with Jolanta, and super short and sweet market shopping. Workout with Martina. Received my books - 2x finance books and 1x self-exploration book. Also, new FitBit band. Made sauerkraut. Had a great talk with mom. And now just catching up on Sleep book.  Beautiful full Snow moon this evening. Didn’t feel too much of the effect of it but maybe it’s because I did keep in mind that it is on and I should be a lot more cautious and take things easy. Done and done. Here are some photos from out morning walks.

Day 20 (missed 19)

Again.  Maybe I need to schedule in time to write something, otherwise it kinda skips my mind.  Yesterday was a beautiful day. A very much of a spring morning, sunny and warm. Martina and I participated in the West Wine Club. Online of course, through Zoom. Organised by Alessio and Elitsa. Dedicated to Georgian wines. Unfortunately as decision joining this festivity was last minute, we didn't have Georgian wine. None of the big wine shops would stock them and only wine Waitrose stocks was sold out. So my walk to the shop was only for crackers, grapes and cheese. Ended up with a simple french Sauvignon Blanc. Will need to stock up on wines but it is not in my budget at the moment.  I can't believe February is almost over. And March is upon us. And then April, and we are back to work. I do miss work, my lovely reception girls, fitness coaches (even though half of them will be gone by the time we open) bar team.. and hard working LG and GA teams.. and members...

Day 18

It's gonna be interesting to get adjusted to living again with someone. Especially with someone who has almost a completely different daily schedule. But I guess that's where all the talks with Jolanta hopefully will get handy. Everything about us being different and accepting that. Working out the ways we can live along side and help each other. Martina said she wants to have a proper plan for next 10 days while she is self isolating. I am happy to help. Let's see what she has in mind. On other news, Boris wrote out a plan for next couple of months, and here it is below. Main date for me is 12th April, which means gyms can re-open (without group classes), but at least I am back to work and can actually use gym again! Whoop whoop. Home workouts and FitOn has been great, but I am excited to get back into heavier stuff! 

Day 17 (missed 16)

I did a wonderful thing today. I donated blood for the first time. And it felt good. I didn't really feel tired or different afterwards, not dizzy or lightheaded at all. But I still had a very relaxed day, ordered a pizza and watched two films. Shutter Island and Zodiac, both of which I have seen in past, but it was good to rewatch. Mark Ruffalo in supporting and lead roles. I think I hadn't noticed before how good of an actor he is. Or he always seemed to be a little annoying. But since In The Cut film I saw couple of weeks back, and watching Shutter Island earlier today, he is good! Anyway, very very very slow and easy day for myself today. Back into routine and off the screen for couple of days starting tomorrow! Also, Martina is back. Happy days! #blooddonor #happiness

Day 15

Half way through my first 30 days back. I'm excited.  Not really sure what to say today. It's weird how easy it is to not do certain things that you have promised yourself you will do. Without having an actual deadline or consequences. So you should do it for your own future pleasure. It's true what Jolanta's book (Awaken The Giant Within - Anthony Robbins) says about pleasure and pain. We always are eager to choose short term pleasure over short term pain. But to get to long term pleasure, we need to get through the sort term pain. Ok, fine, I'm off to fix my curtains! #stayuncomfortable #choosehardlife #shorttermpain #longtermpleasure Music: Les Twins Music playlist

Day 14

Can't believe it is 20th of February. This year is flying by. 6BLACK - Free Turns out there is a playlist on Spotify with music from Les Twins videos. 16 hours of delicious dance music. Les Twins are these twin brother, two tall french dancers. Really cute and cool. There is link below to the first video I saw of these guys and fell in love. Dance style that I hadn't seen before. So pure. On the beat. With touch of fun and sex appeal. LES TWINS World of Dance San Diego 2010 WOD | @yakfilms I have always wanted to be able to control my body like that. maybe one of the reasons I have done yoga/pilates, because they require the strength and control. Disclosure - You & Me (Flume Remix) Gotta ask Christina where she taught herself to dance that contemporary piece. Maybe I can do some of that. Get back into dancing. And when things go back to 'new normal', need to go out 'clubbing'. Haha, who am I kidding? But I do want to go back to salsa dancing.. because it doe

Day 13

Album: Homme Artist: Maarja  First time I heard this in Tallinn, in a restaurant just off the main square in old town. Not sure if it was exactly this album, but it was this artist. And the music was just so relaxing but energetic at the same time. Maybe it helped that I didn't understand words, so it can just be an amazing background music. I used to write a lot about my emotions and things that happened to me, which is weird, because I always thought that I didn't know how to express myself. It's a shame I didn't continue writing blog or diary because my first years and all years in London have been full with adventures and interesting people. And maybe, just maybe I would have realised earlier certain things and it would have helped me move on. Relationship wise and professionally. But as we talked with Jolanta today, everything happens for a reason, we learn from our mistakes. There should be no regrets about the past, because it made us who we are. Only thing one c

Day 12

Ha, I thought I could wing it and do the test for my FOH Hospitality Course, but it turns out there are 10 extra modules I haven't looked at. So obviously 20 out of 30 is pretty bad score. Anyway, if I continue from yesterday - I moved from Montgomery to work for Soho House Group. Started in Hoxton Grill (Feb 2014), then three months later moved to Electric House on Portobello Road (around the corner from Monty) and November 2019 moved to White City House. It's amazing how versatile my journey has been, I did some time on the floor as a waitress, then moving to reception, helping out with events, taking care of events while manager was on maternity leave and then moved into the role of member relations and reception manager. And all this only at EH. Time at White City House has been an experience - just because half of the time there I haven't even been working - furlough my friends as Covid-19 takes over the world. But from Club Reception and moving into Gym Reception and

Day 11

Business Plan should be my priority at this point. But I am struggling with the first question/decision - what kind of business I want to open?  Since I was a kid, I have always wanted to open a hotel. I even have a perfect building for it. A large building on the side of Daugava, with an amazing view to the river. It would have been a massive project with loads of rooms. When I was working in Emīla Gustava Šokolāde, I dreamed of having my own little boutique studio, coffee place where you could get delicious alcoholic cocktails as well. A small team of professional and kind people. Quality stuff. Simple. Alberts and Donegans - the pubs. I am not sure if I would ever think of running a pub, not to even think of owning one. Then again, the love of beer was real at one point in my life, not so long ago, it still might be a possibility. At least an exquisite beer list would definitely appear on the menu and live music events. Oh yes, and frozen liquor shots! Then there is London. And here

Day 10 & Commitment During Lent

Tomorrow is Ash Wednesday, which is the first day of Lent and even though I am not planning on giving up eating meat or chocolate or social media, but I will be reducing it. And hopefully I can reduce my screen time because of that massively. I do think it's more about commitment to one's self. But then again, maybe there is something I can completely cut out of my life for 40 days - excuses! I am making too many excuses for myself. For having lack of time or lack or motivation or lack of money. When you are stuck at home and can't really go out, then spending money shouldn't be on the list of to do things anyway. Or lack of time on reading or focusing on projects, when all I have right now is time! But ok, on top of the commitment to myself, I posted yesterday (I will update it in a second), I will give up (read: reduce) screen time on my phone and no blue lights after 8pm. As well as no extra spending for next 40 days, just groceries, bills and savings. No excuses, I

Day 9

Commitment Statement to myself (draft) I will reduce the screen time. But will enjoy an occasional film, a good classic or interesting documentary. (2 hours) I will do little bit of exercise every day, even if it is only 10-15 minutes of stretching or strength workout. (1 hour) I will focus on developing my business plan - front of house hospitality and finances. (1 hour) I will learn about nutrition for my own benefit. (1 hour) I will reduce my to-do list. By doing the things on the list and by forgetting about things I won't do. (1 hour) I will read a book. (1 hour) If I concentrate only an hour to each of these plus two hours for a film, I have plenty of hours a day left for a two hour walk and cooking myself a delicious meal. 6am wake up - 9.30pm go to sleep = (15.5 hours awake) 7 hours commitments + 2 hours walk + 2 hours food = 11 hours 4.5 hours of 'free time'  p.s. Album on Spotify : Moby - Hotel 

Day 8 (missed out on day 7... again)

Happy Valentines! Otis Redding - Sittin' on the Dock of the Bay It has been a wonderful day. It started as every day this year, with early morning walk with Jolanta. We treated ourselves to a mocha from Starbucks. It is a bit weird to be alone on Valentine's but I guess it's better to be alone and happy with myself than be in a relationship that doesn't work. I have done some 'soul searching' and working on myself.  Bill Withers - Lovely Day I think I have become a happier person. And more accepting towards myself and people around me. Being on my own in the apartment has challenged me to keep a routine for myself. Pushing myself to not just sit all day on my ass, but actually read a book, cook, study a course, exercise and work on some projects I have been postposing as they have always seemed too big to be done in a day. And they are. But now that I have all this time on my hands, it would be a shame to waste it and I have no excuses. Normally my excuse would

Day 6 (missed out on day 5)

Ok. How did I miss a day already? What was I doing yesterday, so important that I didn’t have 10 minutes to sit down and write down a line or two? Well, but one good thing did happen yesterday. My Ryanair flight cancellation got confirmed and I’m in process of getting refund! Very excited and very thankful! I’ll read my book now, thank you. Till tomorrow, market day, will tell you all about it! xx

Day 4

today was supposed to be a reflection day, before the new year starts on 12th February. and i haven't actually thought about last 30 days. but i guess i should a bit. i feel i have come a long way in last couple of months in general. yes, i still have a lot of things on to do list, but i am focusing and doing and reading and trying my best to not be a lazy ass b****. but, of course, i can push myself even more which i will do. one thing i did notice is that i have not been able to fill out my diary (happiness planner) properly. it requires me to write down things i want to focus on and things i am excited about for the day. they always seem to be the same things that are on to do list or on schedule. and i'm sure there is more i can be excited about, not just going for a walk. maybe i should get up a little earlier, have a 5 minute meditation, sit down with cup of tea and actually focus a bit more on what i will do that day and be excited about. then again, we are still locked

Day 3.b

ha! i can put more effort into this. :D just read some of my older posts on here. and they are full with fun happenings, amazing music and pictures of memories. i can definitely put more effort into making this a better diary than it is right now. even if it is just for me. :) by the way, this is me. from couple of days ago. early morning walk. Hyde park. with Jolanta. and squirrels.  x music: St Finnikin - Monarch

Day 3

hasn't really been a super productive day. started Project Body Love - comitment to listen to 5 minutes a day of 30 day podcast. first day ssked me to answer these questions below: why are you looking to improve relationship with yourself image? why now? what do you hope to achieve? what would a better body image mean to you? started the flow training modules for work. made a delicious sorrel soup. the girls moved the chat to thursday, as Anna wasn't feeling well today and have important meetings tomorrow. probably will have a read of the 'shopping book' and go to sleep early. p.s. my answers to the questions. i want to improve my relationship with my body image, because i know i am beautiful, but there is always those couple of kilos that i want to drop. even though looking back at pictures, where i thought i was fat, i now know i wasn't. but i want to be happy with how i am while improving and toning my body to the level it was couple of years ag

Day 2

hey hey it's been snowing all day and it's so beautiful and white. reminds me of home. makes me miss home. but i have been very lucky to feel good throughout this time. even though martina is away and i'm spending most of my day alone and at home, i have been able to look up to the positive things in my life and concentrate on little projects to keep me going from one day to another. i did spend all day today being lazy and just chilling on a sofa, watching netflix. yes, i had a walk, yes, i did go to shop with Laura, yes, i did have delicious home cooked steak for lunch/dinner. but no books or courses were done today. sometimes you do need to let go and not have the pressure of being perfect everyday. allow yourself to not do all the things on the list. but tomorrow i hope to be productive. and fingers crossed, i can chat with my girls. it's been too long. miss you, g. x

Day 1

it's again been a while since i wrote anything. where do i start? i have always skipped starting something or delayed doing something, because i want it to be perfect, and i want to know all about it before i get into it. like starting to write in a beautiful notebook. the first page needs to be perfect.. but then i look back, and yes, first page is perfect, but then the rest of it seems rushed and messy.. so i think it's better to start when you want to and improve over time.. this is why i'll just start. it's snowing here in London and we are in #lockdown3. i'm baking apple cinnamon muffins with oats and no sugar. my day consists of a daily early morning walk with jolanta, book reading, podcast listening and a mix of little projects. as well as netflix, tik tok and instagram scroll. a touch of daily exercise. it's all going well on days when i'm productive and push myself to be #uncomfortable. it's a bit harder in the days when i spend the whole day