
Showing posts from July, 2022

2021/2022 Goals

 CAREER: *I have a business plan *I am loved at work & I succeed in projects *I have read the management book and I use the info on daily basis FAMILY & SOCIAL: *I regularly talk to my family *I take time to meet my friends and spend quality time with them *I make new acquaintances easily SPIRITUAL: *I have learned about buddhism *I meditate daily  *I do things straight away FINANCIAL: *I am debt free *I am making enough money to support my lifestyle *I am financially literate and saving up for a start up *I make side hustle money for life luxuries PHYSICAL: *I am strong and fit, I exercise regularly *I am eating healthy and I don't have cravings for foods that are bad for me *I drink plenty of water INTELLECTUAL: *I read the books in my library *I study online courses to improve on my business knowledge and personal life I am LOVED I am ENOUGH I am HAPPY