New resolutions which I hopefully will remember way after 15th of January.
One of them is here, start writing the blog again.
And I have cleaned out the space on table, for my computer mostly, so I can sit down and start doing research, study, and have a bit more of "discipline" if you please.
First couple of days at work were quite uneventful, but then again we were not that busy, crazy November/December madness is finished. Yet yesterday was funny, but I am getting ahead of myself.
3rd of January, Saturday, why not go for a theatre - looked very promising, although, it was my mistake, I didn't really read the reviews or description for that matter. Daisy and I went to see play in Charring Cross theatre - Mikado. Still do not have 100% idea what the play was about, but let me tell you, British actors playing Japanese workers didn't work. It was fun, especially after a bottle of wine, and very much fun when we both realised that Daisy did the same couple of months ago when she got us tickets to modernised Shakespeare play, which turned out to be a bit of opera in Africa.. In french! :) Anyway, after play, as we thought the night deserves ridiculous cocktail ending - Pornstar Martinis in B@1. Not the best place where to order a cocktail but hey, can't be that bad. But it can! The night was saved only by a very late dinner in Pizzeria across the road from theatre - Fratelli La Bufala. Another bottle of wine, talks about guys, life and work, and good Italian food. :)
Skipping couple of days of laziness, yesterdays double at work started with me being very tired, even my regular Massive Latte didn't help.. And then.. I chatted with Billy at reception, and guy comes in, says he's meeting a member (that is not here),.. He has lot of tattoos on his hands, neck. But that is fine as we have couple of members coming in who have bodies covered with them. So I happened to lead this mysterious lad to a table, gave menus. Then he took off his hat, hand through his hair and I realised, it is David Beckham.. Shock, smile, excitement.. Everything at the same time.. :)) And then while having his black americano, and waiting for his friends, he was on his phone! Highlight of the morning! I told David Beckham off, as you shouldn't be using your phone on Club floor. More than welcome to have/make calls near reception. Oh my.. I told D.B. off! :)) And the rest of the day seemed so normal afterwards..

Alright, for the first entry I think it is enough, I do have to start slowly..
So, for everyone not out there - Happy New 2015 - Year of Green Wooden Sheep!
May it be adventurous and full of love, excitement and possibilities!
P.S. The first day of Sheep Year arrives on February 4, 2015, this is the day - Start of the Spring! But the actual 2015 Chinese New Year Day is on February 19, 2015. Chinese NY Day is the new moon day of the first lunar month. It is 7:48AM of Feb 19, 2015, China Standard Time.
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