Monday, 2 February 2015

Early morning

Can't believe I'm not calling in sick.. I'm destroying my health in this job, maybe even industry.. You have to have strong nerves to work in hospitality and specifically in members club which has 'yes, yes, yes' policy..

Haven't talked with my family for a week. Although there might be another reason for that.. A new person in my life, that makes me happier, makes me want to explore more and change my life to better..

Very looking forward to four big things happening over next couple of months..

- two theatre visits
- trip to Lisbon
- my brother finally visiting me
- trip to Copenhagen with mom

Should start taking care after myself, my health, wellbeing.. :) I'm starting today.. On that thought I'm leaving you..

P.S. Bork - It's Oh So Quiet..

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