Tuesday, 29 May 2018


the name for this post is a date just to remind myself that i need to get back to writing. soon enough i won't need dates, i will actually be naming the posts.. again.. : ) i have been telling myself i will re-start writing blog for such a long time now, and now that i'm finally looking at it, last post was in 2015.. i feel i have let myself down. and to be honest, i have. i have been bouncing up and down with my weight while i should have been bouncing up with positive emotions! a lot has happened since and i would love write everything down, but i'm at work. i just wanted to start and cross it off my list before the end of may. i will be (fingers crossed) doing 30 days of blog (reason the dates are there!) and mini exercise challenge. And to add to it the 30 days of happiness/health/language list.. on top of that, i'm on money saving mode. lots of holidays still planned and possible change of work. ok. that's it for a quick update. p.s. wearing four rings today, each of them coming from different source, whether it was a gift from mom, dad or boyfriend or myself. It does feel a bit too much at the moment but that's because i normally wear my 'traditional' two.. talk to you tomorrow! G.

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That girl!

I am the girl that reads. I am the girl that has finished the PT course. I am the girl that goes climbing, salsa dancing and does yoga. I am...