Life is a bitch and so are we!

reference to: Annushka's blog "Viss par un ap un iekš... ;)"
thank you.
nothing never happens as we want it to happen. every single fucking time someone or something goes so wrong, that you don't even bother doing it again and better. you just stop believing. but that is what you shouldn't do. cos that is life. that is the fucking life. at any moment, at any situations you won't have it you way! and you have to except it. well, at least fucking try.
so what do you do in these situations? nothing? wrong! you do everything that is in your fucking power to make it your fucking way. even if it costs some lives, but believe me, it is fucking worth it. cos after all the fighting and tears on the pillow you will feel so much fucking better! just by taking someone down. will you feel guilty? no! why? cos you are a bitch! cos so is life! and we are so powerful, more powerful that those guys from hockey team that one that big important, what was it called, oh, yes, NHL cup last year, combined. and one important message - have fun while doing it!
another thing! why do we always want more, and more, and more of what we can't have, huh? why it is so hard to be a fucking bitch and have what we want? cos that is fucking life! i'm deam sure about that! and when we have what we want, we should fucking apreciate it! deam right!
and with all do respect, if you are a bitch, no matter, female or male, you - be proud of it! we, bitches, are strong, unbreakable, charming, powerful, etc., etc. so, go there, out in the streets and hold your head high, cos you are worth more than you think! you are worth fucking millions!! and that's a fact, my dear bitches!
well, ok, the last thing i have to fucking say, life treats you the same fucking way you treat life! so if you fuck with it, it fucks back! if it fucks with you, you fuck back! that's life.. that's fucking life! and you can't change a fucking thing!
music for reading this: Alanis Morissette - I'm a bitch
p.s. i'm so not sorry for the language. cos if there would not be the words that are there, it wouldn't be so deam effective! and am i not right? ;)


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