Jen Foster - Used Black Cars

Vēl viens ieraksts pilnīgi bez jebkādas jēgas.. Ne par to, kas un kā, un kāpēc notiek.. Vnk dziesmas vārdi, kurus saklausīju dziesmā, kas skanēja iz Night Drive radio!! :))
Novērtē skalā no 1 līdz 10. Bet ne tikai vārdus, bet arī audio version :D : tikai diemžēl YouTube naf! :D:D
I never noticed all the used black cars out on the road
I never noticed all the love songs that are on the radio
Until you left me
Now it's all too clear
I never noticed all the houses that look just like where you live
I never noticed all the places that remind me where we've been
Until you left me
Now I see too clearly
Smieklīgi, ne? :)


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