Tuesday, 2 March 2021

Day 24 (missed 23)

hahaha.. this turns into a pattern..
every couple of days I miss a day..

yesterday was fun, not too productive, but quite social..
early morning with Jolanta, late morning walk with Laura and Moka..
little workout, lunch and chilling with Netflix..
delicious fish for dinner and a work quiz night..

this morning was kinda productive.. i sent through the printer i sold.. and got the money already..
and spent 30 minutes listening/learning french on the app.. second day in the row! look at me!

today would have been a good to day to get back into running, but it's so cold out there.. let's see how i feel in about three/four hours..

also, good point from my mom. at this time, i don't actually do much so there is not much to write about, so i should write everyday, but post it every couple of days.. i guess that is true, but i will get through the 30 days of blogging! 

fingers crossed!

p.s. update - went for a run. just 2km. but it felt good.

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