Saturday, 20 February 2021

Day 14

Can't believe it is 20th of February.
This year is flying by.

6BLACK - Free

Turns out there is a playlist on Spotify with music from Les Twins videos. 16 hours of delicious dance music.

Les Twins are these twin brother, two tall french dancers. Really cute and cool. There is link below to the first video I saw of these guys and fell in love. Dance style that I hadn't seen before. So pure. On the beat. With touch of fun and sex appeal.

I have always wanted to be able to control my body like that. maybe one of the reasons I have done yoga/pilates, because they require the strength and control.

Disclosure - You & Me (Flume Remix)

Gotta ask Christina where she taught herself to dance that contemporary piece. Maybe I can do some of that. Get back into dancing. And when things go back to 'new normal', need to go out 'clubbing'. Haha, who am I kidding? But I do want to go back to salsa dancing.. because it does give you a beautiful waist and most probably will help loosing those extra kilos around my stomach. 

I have been pretty good with my routine nowadays. Just need to think how I can keep it when Martina comes home and also when I go back to work. Good thing is that we are likely to keep working 4 shifts a week until July, obviously that means less money. But if I can keep to my budget that I have done so far, that means extra £100 (or split it 50 extra spending; 50 to pay off Amex) every week!

Christina just responded - YouTube. Alright, have a project for tomorrow! 

P.S. Got both of the Ryanair refunds. Will sort my finances tomorrow. Pay off more on Amex.

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That girl!

I am the girl that reads. I am the girl that has finished the PT course. I am the girl that goes climbing, salsa dancing and does yoga. I am...