Tuesday, 9 February 2021
Day 3
hasn't really been a super productive day.
started Project Body Love - comitment to listen to 5 minutes a day of 30 day podcast. first day ssked me to answer these questions below:
why are you looking to improve relationship with yourself image?
why now?
what do you hope to achieve?
what would a better body image mean to you?
started the flow training modules for work.
made a delicious sorrel soup.
the girls moved the chat to thursday, as Anna wasn't feeling well today and have important meetings tomorrow.
probably will have a read of the 'shopping book' and go to sleep early.
p.s. my answers to the questions.
i want to improve my relationship with my body image, because i know i am beautiful, but there is always those couple of kilos that i want to drop. even though looking back at pictures, where i thought i was fat, i now know i wasn't. but i want to be happy with how i am while improving and toning my body to the level it was couple of years ago.
why now? because i am more aware of it, and because it is easy to be influenced by social media of the standards, expectations, that are not real in every day world for an every day person.
i hope to feel more confident about my body, dress a bit more courageously. and allowing myself to wear dresses that accentuate my body and the good aspects of it - the legs, bum, sholders, back..
it would mean, i wouldn't doubt myself and be comfortable in my own skin and clothes
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